Austin Lake Pumps
lake pump installation, lake pump repair, lake pump replacement, lake pump diving, submersible lake pump service, lake submersible pump repairs, submersible lake pump installation, submersible pump diving, submersible diving for pumps, pump installation, pump repair, pump service, pump replacement, pump diving, diving for pumps, submersible pump service, submersible pump repairs, submersible pump installation,
Master of Lake Pumps
Specialists in Lake Pumps
(512) 805-7700
Unlike others, whom our customers verify send out newbies and unknown employees, whose faces seem to change every visit, when you contact Austin Lake Pumps, you always get the actual owner, an honors graduate of Texas A&M, on your site, everytime, always the same familiar expert you can trust with >43 years experience with pumps and diving. We don't do docks, or air conditioning repair, or house plumbing, or even shoe shining for that matter, we are not as they say: "jacks of all trades - - masters of none". We are the only lake pump specialists in all of central Texas who have 22 years prior experience as a licensed irrigator, experienced with diagnosing and with properly integrating your irrigation system to a lake pump.
When you call us you will typically obtain the owner, in a live human voice if we are not underwater. You will discover we do not disappoint with "no-reply" based emails like major corporations. No chat-bots and no A.I. Furthermore, we typically give our customers a fixed, final price they can rely on. In fact, we just successfully completed a unique pumping system with sophisticated controls and overrides for a man made creek with 2 ponds and multiple waterfalls (recirculating). Photos and info. to follow shortly.
More details are always available when we visit your site.
We specialize in:
Complete pump replacements with new pumps
Complete new custom pumping systems
Super poly pipe installations / replacements from lake water, or pump in lake, all the way to homesite
Pump electrical cable installations / replacements from pump in lake all the way to homesite
(over 50% of the existing, aged pump systems electrical wiring / pump cable we test comes back defective)
We replace as needed, or install as upgrades, "constant pressure computers" (VFD's)
Consulting, installation, on-site repair and service for
the finest in Lake / River Pump systems.
Our superior systems can
pay for themselves in as little as 5 to 7 months time compared
to the cost of using metered water on water bills.
We have received numerous "come rescue us" calls from lakefront property owners
who mistakenly used metered municipal water for landscape irrigation
who have received monthly water bills as high as $900 to $1,000.
Beware the untrained immigrants, the "by the hour" rates, and the amateurs !
Read About It: Higher Rates Still Ahead For Metered Water Bills
Click the left image above to learn more about the Lake Travis Cleanup that Austin Lake Pumps participated in.
As our customer you can rest assured we place the utmost importance on fitness and water safety at your site.
In fact, our owner and head diver still lap swims a minimum of 5,200 yds. per week at Austin's Deep Eddy lap pool to stay in shape
and plans to enter the Deep Eddy Mile Race.
Austin Lake Pumps is proud to be the only specialist lake pump company in all of Texas which is a Franklin Pump Key Dealer.
Franklin Electric is the undisputed leader and the largest manufacturer of reliable submersible motors for pumps over the entire world.
Franklin motors power not only their own pumps, but >84% of all various manufacturers submersible pumps.
However, be aware that most of our competitors use a brand of pumps with chinese motors.
Click on the image to enlarge
How the Chinese Communist Party Steals US Technology.html
04-13-23: Over 80% of Americans view China negatively, worry about Taiwan.
Note: Buying Communist Chinese pumps from our competitors only supports the enemy of Democracy,
putting more fentanyl into the hands of the drug cartels.
REVEALED: Chinese gangs are behind THOUSANDS of illegal weed farms across the US - sparking fears that CCP could become new cannabis kingpins
Please click link to view video:
Above is a very revealing video under 3 minutes which compares our
super reliable "top of the line" high tech resin poly pipe versus common PVC pipe.
Our poly pipe is a much thicker wall than the poly pipe of yesteryear, and incorporates a new resin chemistry that is superior to past products
Unfortunately common white PVC pipe is the only pipe our competitors offer & install.
Our premium poly pipe is guaranteed for Lifetime against Freeze Cracks or UV Sunlight Damage that results in any leaks
A vast number of existing white PVC pipe strings down hillsides to the lake installed by our competitors have been and are being replaced with our superior poly pipe by us
How many thousand feet would you prefer ? With our custom poly pipe spooling trailer we are the only lake pump company in Texas who can
spool off up to 500 feet of continuous length in as little as than 15 minutes time, no couplings every 20 feet like PVC pipe that act as future "weak failure points"
The Zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, has now been found in Lake Travis, Lake Austin, Lady Bird Lake and many others.
This invasive species reproduces and populates rapidly, it especially prefers suction or flowing water sources, and will clog up unprotected intake pipes and pump screens in as little as one year
All types of pumps are affected.
Austin Lake Pumps is the first and the only lake pump company offering as an option proven protection against this threat, but beware of questionable individuals offering copper screening which does not work
because the microscopic zebra veliger larvae 1st fall right through any screening, attach to pumps and pump shrouds in between wires and BELOW any screening to grow to adults, completely destroying any screening attempts.
Our latest pump shroud (flow sleeve) design is highly effective against zebra mussel attachment on the most important portion that provides water flow intake.
We don't provide images of the new shroud design on our website to preserve our trade secret innovations.
We are often called out to sites where our competitors previously installed thinly slotted water well pipe with paper thin slots that rapidly clog up and
the pipe itself is easily broken off due to the weakness the fine slots impair on the structural integrity of the pipe.
Austin Lake Pumps is the only pump and filter company in Central Texas experienced
with and using the industry's finest professional
Digital Insulation Computer Tester
Satisfied Customers
John H., UT Alumnus E.E.
retired Texas Instruments, residing on Lake Travis
Dr. Craig K. and his lovely wife Margaret | Patrons of the Arts
Supporters and Board Members of Chorus Austin, The Austin Chamber Music Center, Austin Lyric Opera, Ballet Austin, and The Austin Symphony
As a senior triathlete competitor, Dr. Craig can easily out swim me in distance, regardless that I lap swim regularly.
Dr. Craig is better than 90 years young, has completed over 400 triathlons worldwide (still competes !), is nationally ranked, and resides/swims on Lake Austin.
Robert Christianson, 2nd Generation Business Success Story,
Trusted Plumbing and AC "Powerhouse", over 200 service trucks in the field,
trusts all his lake pump work to us
Pete Bell is Founder & CEO of Cotton Holdings,
a Major Player in the Disaster and Restoration Industry
Successful install of a 3HP submersible lake pump for Mr. Bell in the Steiner Ranch area
Pete's passion is offshore fishing on his 92' Viking Motor Yacht
Kindred souls Jan and Jay of the Barstow Family own and operate under a Family Trust the most famous and historic private park on Lake Travis
This photo taken upon the successful completion of a new lake water pump install, which provides water to their entire property: irrigation, house water, camp showers, etc.
The pump is set at 90 feet deep, their deep water cliff side is famous for scuba diving
See you there !
Captain Rett Scudder, always looking very dapper, owner of the infamous Beach Front Boat Rentals in Volente area (2 massive party boats)
Capt. Rett relied on us to replace his lake pump furnishing water to his house, one of the most vertical cliff sides I have ever experienced.
At the time of this photo I had just completed at least 8 to 10 trips up and down the stairs to the lake, an ~80 ft. climb
The amazing Don Brinkman below, co-founder of Cabo Bob's Burritos had us replace his lake pump and pressure tank which services his lake house for drinking water and also his irrigation system
Don actually lived in Cabo for many years before returning to the States to start up Cabo Bob's
Standing with Brad Heath below in his newly created stream leading down to 2 large pools with multiple waterfalls (recirculating lake water)
We furnished the pump and the master control electronics, all custom built by hand.
Brad is a chemical engineer by training, became an electrical engineer in practice, retired as CEO of Vertex, it was such a pleasure to work together with Brad to achieve his dreams.
Click for images of rappelling down a 195 foot cliff to install pipe and pump cable
please click link to view video:
The 2nd largest installation of our career on Lake Travis at Volente, the property is in the middle with all the trees, the owner's floating boathouse is the one in the middle.
We installed 1000 feet of #4 copper pump cable plus 1.5 inch freeze crack proof LIFETIME GUARANTEE poly pipe down the South property boundary and down through the steep ravine to the lake,
then the submersible pump was installed in our signature custom shroud and placed 300 feet farther out into the lake, all at depth below 20 year historical drought levels.
The homesite is at 158 foot of elevation head, at current lake levels.
The poly pipe terminates in a 2,000 gallon poly storage tank up near the house where a booster pump takes over.
Our competitors passed on this job as the owner confided in us they did not have the experience or the expertise to get the job done
Our preferred, recommended pump brands are Grundfos, Franklin, and Stairs
We have found that the Grundfos and Franklin pumps last longer and are more reliable than other pumps
We are often called out to service and repair other brands, which when indicated, we replace with our preferred brand above
1st and currently the only company to successfully perform underwater repairs on broken pipes with our new technology super strength black comp couplings (no glue or solvent needed). This is a serious savings over having to bring the entire pipe string and pump out of the lake just to perform a pipe repair - which is what other pump companies still do.
1st and currently the only company to offer advanced, high capacity filtration using filters with washable, reuseable filter elements.
1st and currently the only company to offer aluminum / stainless super size screens with our custom order screen hole sizes for keeping weeds and debri out of the internal filters of submersible pumps (drastically reduce clogging of submersible pumps).
1st and currently the only company to offer extra high strength couplings on the underwater pump pipe string where PVC is present, in addition to the new 250 psi resin flexible black poly piping. We can source the absolute highest pressure test flexible poly piping in the industry (new, high tech resins) for our demanding customers. The normal PVC couplings other companies use are a common point of failure in most lake pump systems. Our poly piping is much more resistant to sunlight and freezing conditions that turn PVC pipe to a glass like state.
1st and currently the only company to provide all the electrical, pump, filters and tanks through a highly trained staff who take full responsibility.
Our competitors often use several different contractors. Will all of them be available when needed to coordinate with other services ? What if there is a problem ? Will one of the many services pass the blame to others and no one wants to take responsibility ?
We also offer optional features on our premium systems such as electronic pump protection, hand held cellphone pump system control features from anywhere there is wi-fi - - even thousands of miles away, reliable communication from distant irrigation controllers to dock mounted pumps without additional trenches and wiring, electronic freeze protection of any "out of water" piping, zebra mussel protection and much more.
Click on any of the links below to learn more about what we can do for you and how we can do it better:
Is it legal to pump from rivers and lakes in Texas ?
So who are the largest lake water users, it sure isn't lakefront property owners . . .
What are the potential savings using lake water ?
Suffering from nasty smelling lake water ? We have proven solutions
Nitrox certification #EB6A373
We have numerous satisfied references available.
Austin Lake Pumps thanks all our past clients for trusting us and prospective future customers for considering us to serve your needs.
Why settle for mediocre or under performing pump and filter systems when you can have outstanding performance and quality ?
There are just way too many variables involved that need to be considered, and a visit to the actual site is typically necessary to understand and calculate all the parameters
We do not sell pumps or parts alone by themselves - we are NOT a supply house for parts
we only provide full "turn key" installs and repairs,
with both labor and parts
We do NOT provide information or advice to "Do-It-Yourselfers" attempting their own repairs or installing their own pumps.
We specialize in providing our full range of services to individual residential waterfront property owners. We do NOT subcontract or work for 3rd parties such as general contractors, HOA's, or "commercials".
(512) 805-7700
texting our phone number above is an acceptable way to reach us, as we received dozens of SPAM calls daily
Copyright 2008. All rights reserved.